"Abridgements of current best-selling books, by special permission of the original publishers"
Unique and rare magazine, and unlike other condensations, MANY of these are actually condensed by the original authors: "Abridged from the book in the author's own words"

Issue Date: June, 1956; VOL. XVIII, No. 7
Featured in THIS issue:
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THE SCARLET CORD -- FRANK G. SLAUGHTER -- The story of Rahab, the woman of Jericho who was loved by the mighty Joshua, handsome, power-mad leader of the Israelites.

LIVING LIKE A LORD -- JOHN GODLEY, LORD KILBRACKEN -- Entertaining account of a penniless peer who came within an inch of being a great film star.

FEELING NO PAIN -- BILL O'MALLEY -- A selection of cartoons poking fun at hospital whims and antics.

A THEME OF FAIR WOMEN -- CYRIL PEARL -- The story of three charmers who successfully led highly improper lives in a highly proper era. (Selected from "The Girl with the Swansdown Seat.").

THE COCKTAIL HOUR IN JACKSON HOLE -- DONALD HOUGH -- The droll account of what happens in a remote Wyoming valley after the cows have been bedded down and the dudes have gone home.

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This DIGEST sized magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)