Title: The Case of the Yearbook Murders Series: A Tony and Mindy Mystery, Book 2 Author: Rod Sterling ISBN: 978-1-60975-102-9 Format: Trade Paperback Pages: 236 Release Date: September 2015 It's 1956 and somebody is killing off the high school baseball players from the class of '35 of one New Jersey High School. The police are treating these deaths as unrelated. In the space of a few months, one after another of these former ballplayers, not yet forty years old, are found dead. Private detective Tony Donohoo deciphers a coded message in the yearbooks leading to secret romances and murder. Tony and his sarcastic, but beautiful red-haired girl friend, Mindy McCall, work to connect the dots and determine what really is going on.
The Case of the Yearbook Murders is the second installment of the Tony and Mindy Mysteries, and brings their investigation close to home on a case that Mindy asks Tony to work on personally to help out her grieving sister. Follow the clues of Tony and Mindy's investigation as they work diligently to get to the bottom of the yearbook murders. |