Custom anime embroidery design and pattern features the Fairy Tail hand sign signalling "Even if I can't see you no matter how far away you may be I will always be watching you."


Large Design Properties:
Width: 134 mm
Height: 195 mm
Stitch count: 29,648
Sewing time:  64 min.
Color count: 9

Medium Design Properties:
Width: 95 mm
Height: 139 mm
Stitch count: 18,474
Sewing time:  41 min.
Color count: 9

Small Design Properties:
Width: 52 mm
Height: 76 mm
Stitch count: 8,773
Sewing time:  22 min.
Color count: 9

Files Included:
2 formats: .pes .dst
3 sizes: Large Medium Small
1 color chart
1 image print