Autographed by author. Pages in great condition. Dust jacket in excellent condition except for scuff on back. Buy with confidence - every order ships with delivery confirmation tracking number. Fast shipping from our non-smoking home. 2016AMA968 Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: After 27 years of prison ministry, Bill Glass shares his thoughts about the crime problem in America. Co-authored by one of the finest sports writers in American, Terry Pluto, "Crime: Our Second Vietnam" is a book you need to read and share with your friends and family. The crime problem in America mirrors the Vietnam War. In his book, Bill tells how General Norman Schwarzkopf was so disillusioned by Vietnam that it shaped his entire career thereafter. He swore he would never again fight in a no-win war. The way America is fighting the war on crime is a similar "no-win" war. As Bill illustrates, America is fighting will billions of dollars of prison construction and it simply is not working. Why? Because 75-80% of prisoners released return to crime. How do we win this war? Bill shares the answers boldly in this riveting new book. Through dramatic illustrations and examples, Bill proves that Jesus Christ is the answer. As the leading Prison evangelist in America, Bill knows that if we change the inmate's heart, then the behavior will change. Filled with 50 pages of captivating photos from Bill's 27-year history, "Crime: Our Second Vietnam" needs to be on your bookshelf.