Title: The Apprentice of Zoldex Series: The Imperium Saga: The Adventures of Kyria, 8 Author: Clifford B. Bowyer ISBN: 978-0-9787782-2-4 Format: Trade Paperback Pages: 208 Release Date: September 2008 * * *
What seemed like a never-ending school year has finally been concluded. With a week long look at festivities, parades, games, and relaxation, Kyria could not be happier with her life in the Mage's Academy. But with most things in life, you often find that what you want is that last thing you get. With changing friendship dynamics, new courses to select for the new year, and Lumnia recruiters pestering her at every corner, Kyria finds herself hard pressed to truly enjoy her time off. But none of that compares to the series of sinister accidents that make it obvious: Zoldex's influence has entered the Academy. Desperate to determine who is helping Zoldex and solve the mystery, Kyria and Mica try to identify suspects and see who could ultimately be targeting them. The list is long, covering almost everyone, including, to their dismay, their best friend Sartir! Can they figure out who the true Apprentice of Zoldex is before the evil plan is carried out? This time, without all of her friends by her side, Kyria doubts that she will be able to do so. |