FAQ For Spirit Conjurations:

Over the years, we have received a lot of questions and concerns regarding spirit conjurations, concerning the manifestations of spirits and entities, and various other topics closely related to these matters. In this FAQ, we wish to provide our clients clarity, guidance, and insight into this topic. This FAQ will cover the topics of both non-sexual and sexual/romantic spirits and all things related to them we feel our clients need to be aware of before purchasing. Lastly, we will, upon your purchase of any Custom Conjuration, assume that you have read this FAQ in it's entirety, and will therefore not be held responsible if your experiences are not what you yourself had expected.

Please note this FAQ may be updated from time to time.


Q: How powerful are your spirits and how is this measured?
A: Good question! We used to utilize an extensive Class rating system, where we allowed our clients to bid on our listings for higher or lower Class spirits, and the default Class rating was a Class 4 out of 10, but we unfortunately found that, due to limitations in the way Bonanza allows listings to be set up, this was not really utilized to it's greatest extent, so we have since overhauled this system. We still rate spirits on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being weakest and least noticeable, and 10 being strongest and most noticeable. Anything above a Class 10, would be considered a low-tier demi-god spirit, and so on and so forth. We have on rare occassions offered Class 11 or 12 spirits, which were pre-conjured spirits. Suffice to say, the highest ranking spirits have the greatest influence and power of any spirits we offer. Our regular Custom Conjurations are currently all aimed at conjuring spirits that are around Class 7 or 8, though some fluctuation exists. We will be uploading, from time to time, special Elite Conjuration offerings. Keep your eyes out for these, as they will include powerful Class 9 and 10 spirits!


Q: Are the spirits in your Bulk-, Gang-, and Legion Conjurations roughly of equal strength to your individual Custom Conjurations?

A: Assuredly not. Please be aware that for our individual Custom Conjurations, where we conjure one spirit for you per purchase, the spirits will adhere to a Class rating of around 7 to 8, whereas with Bulk-, Gang-, and Legion Conjurations, spirits will, on average, and with exception of the leaders who will be higher Class spirits, be much lower in individual strength, skill, experience, manifestation capability, etc. Most spirits in a Bulk-, Gang-, or Legion Conjuration will be between Class 1-3, with the leaders being anywhere between Class 4-6, and in some very exceptional circumstances, even a Class 7 or 8, though this is never a guarantee, and we do not have control over this. It is with the Custom Conjurations that the truly powerful individual spirits will come through.


Q: You mentioned in the last topic that you do not have control over what Class of spirits will show up for the Bulk-, Gang-, and Legion Conjurations. Do you not hand-pick them?

A: Yes, to an extent this is true. However, please be aware that the Bulk-, Gang-, and Legion Conjurations often utilize the services of groups, or entire armies, that are already a unit. In some cases, most often seen with Legion conjurations, they might be the result of several warbands or other kinds of groups being merged into one bigger unit. When we say we do not have control over this, is because we do not, in the vast majority of cases, wish to infringe on an already established hierarchy and/or chain of command. If you, as the client, wish to rearrange this, you will have to do so in cooperation with the spirits, as they now work for you.

Q: Is it solely the spirit's responsibility to manifest to me and/or communicate with me?
A: Absolutely not. You, as the person seeking to connect with the spirit or spirits, must put in your fair share of work. It is of course unreasonable to expect communication to be a one-sided thing when it concerns physically incarnated people, and this goes doubly so for cross-dimensional communication, which is what one is dealing with when one wishes to communicate with spirits. Unlike with communication from one physical person to another, we must not forget that there is a dimensional barrier between the spirit(s) and ourselves, impeding communication between ourselves and them. There is a reason why some people have greater success than others do. Unless one is born with one or more of their clair-senses wide open (clair-senses being things such as clairaudience or clairvoyance; the ability to hear or see spirits, respectively), active work must be put in on the part of the individual seeking to connect with spirits, to open the revelant gifts on their part and to then approach the spirit that one is seeking to contact. This effort must be consistent as well, of course. Communication should be considered, and indeed is, a two-way street.

Q: Can I expect full physical manifestations right from the start?
A: This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions we have received. We hate to disappoint, but the answer is a resounding "no, you can, in most cases, not expect this." This is mostly for the same reason as the previous Q&A outlines; in order to perceive a spirit so vividly, one usually has to have honed their clair-senses in some way, shape, or form. Now, we will say, in some exceptional cases, it can indeed be the case that a spirit is able to manifest to a physical person without the physical person having done any work on honing their gifts and abilities regarding extra-sensory perception. These cases are the exception, rather than the rule. For everyone else, in all other situations, work on the part of the incarnate is required to perceive spirits.


Q: How fast can I expect to see manifestations occur?
A: This completely depends on you, your natural inclinations and gifts, your individual circumstances, and the strength and capability of the spirit bound to you. You must, as mentioned, work on your clair-senses before this is even truly possible in the vast majority of cases, and thus this requires effort on your part through meditation, connection- and bonding rituals with the spirit(s) in question, and it will also depend on how well you are able to perceive and communicate with one another through the inter-dimensional barriers that separate us physical incarnates and the spirits. The key is work and self-development.

Q: If spirits usually don't manifest physically, then how do I communicate with spirits?
A: This actually depends on the individual; as mentioned, we strongly recommend the individual in question begins working on developing their own clair-senses, and, based off of their natural gifts, abilities, etc., one will want to decide what the best method of connecting with spirits is for that individual. In our experience, telepathy is one of the most frequently used methods by spirits to communicate with incarnate individuals. Telepathy is the receiving and sending of thoughts. Other methods of direct communication is audibly hearing spirits through clairaudience, seeing spirits in either the mind's eye (or, for some people, even physically being able to see spirits) through clairvoyance, receiving sensations or touches through clairtangency (which is especially useful for those wishing to connect with sexual spirits), and some may simply "feel" the presence of spirits through clairsentience, etc. In truth, any and all combinations of the aforementioned are viable and feasible, provided that one is willing to put in the time, effort, and work to properly develop one's own gifts and talents. In many cases, it can take months or years of practice before one begins seeing, hearing, or feeling, results. However, telepathic communication is often the best bet for those that have not (yet) developed any specific clair-senses and/or where not born with such gifts open. That said, even telepathic communication will take practice, and requires one to still all external thoughts in order to accurately "hear" the thoughts sent by the spirit(s) in question.

Q: Can you conjure me a spirit that is capable of physically manifesting despite everything you mentioned previously?
A: Theoretically, yes. However, the previously outlined points still stand; you need to practice. All spirits are able to "manifest" to the person they are bound with, in some way, shape, or form. It's just that you need to be able to detect it in the vast majority of cases. And without clairvoyance of such a nature that you are physically able to see a spirit, this is unlikely. You are the Creator of your own reality, and thus, you are the catalyst required to facilitate such things.

Q: Help! I have been trying to receive communication from my spirit(s) for weeks or months now, and I still feel like I can't "hear" them!
A: We understand. Spirit communication can be difficult, especially when there is a lot of anticipation, stress, anxiety, worry, etc. going on. Spirit communication is often relatively subtle, and it is not like regular incarnate-to-incarnate communication. As mentioned, there is a dimensional barrier. You must take time and patience to practice stilling and calming your mind. This means frequent meditation, rituals to assist in connecting with your spirit, leaving them offerings, persistance in conversing with the spirit etc., in order to get the most out of your conjuration. This goes doubly so for sexual- and romantic spirits. They are spirits who wish to be intimate with you, and should be given the appropriate amount of time, energy, and affection, as you would a physical lover.

Q: I previously felt my spirit around, but now no longer! What is going on?
A: Sometimes spirits have obligations. They may have responsibilities to their own people, errants to run, etc. Work doesn't necessarily stop when one is not/no longer incarnate. Alternatively, it could be that you yourself might have some blockage of some kind; since you, in this scenario, used to feel, or in some other way experience, your spirit nearby. If this persists for a long time, please let us know, as there may be something less innocent going on.

Q: Help! I can't connect to the spirit I had conjured at all, even though it's been months.
A: This is genuinely a concern and should not be the case. Please reach out to us, as there may be various reasons; either the spirit left, your gifts are blocked for some reason, or you are actively prevented from reaching out to this spirit or spirits in general through curses, contracts (past life or present life), malicious spirits, astral parasites eating away at your energetic field, etc. 


Q: Do you have any other suggestions to provide me on how to connect with spirits?
A: Yes. Upon completion of your order, we will send/have sent you two rituals; one is a ritual to welcome your spirits that can be repeated every time new spirits join you. This is used to instigate the development of further links between you and the spirit(s) in question, aside from the foundational links installed between you and them during the binding ritual. The other, second, ritual is a repeatable ritual to draw closer to your spirit(s), and connect with them more thoroughly. Please utilize these rituals in order to connect with your spirits. If you have not yet done so, we will always advise you to perform the first ritual at least once, and to repeatedly utilize the second ritual, along with practices to develop your clair-senses, before we will provide you with further advise, insight, counsil, etc. If you have not received these rituals during our message containing information regarding your first Conjuration purchase, please let us know, and we will send you one. Please provide us the order number of your first or most recent order containing a Spirit Conjuration you purchased from us.