Look Back In Anger

Issue: 8 / Year: 1959

Condition: VF

This is an original lobby card, not a reproduction.

Movie lobby cards were once employed to entice audience goers and highlight crucial frames from films. Unlike today's title poster ''one sheets,'' which usually feature only one or two glimpses of a film, lobby cards displayed eight separate scenes. Sometimes studios produced as many as 16 lobby cards for a single film. Early lobby cards were black and white, set on card stock, and horizontal in format. A typical set included a Title Card (TC) and seven so-called Scene Cards (SC). Collectors of these cards search not just for rarity and popularity but also for scenes that quintessentially capture the movies they depict. Indeed, exquisitely representative lobby cards can often times be far more valuable than any other memorabilia associated with a particular movie.

Ideal for display, great for collectors, or someone who wants a great decorative piece for their home or office.

Sku:  U14-07-040


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