Title: Taking Care Of You! Support For Kids of Injured Heroes
Format: DVD
Attributes: Real - Life Strategies
Genre: Self-Help / Family / Educational
UPC: 9780615501635
Condition: Brand New Factory Sealed Shrink Wrap
Region: DVD: 1 (US, Canada...)
Rated: NR
Original Language: English
Closed Captioned: Yes
Run Time: 35 minutes
Release Date: 2011
Distributor/Studio: The Trevor Romain Company
Coping With an Injured Parent While doing a story for her school, Skye decides that she wants to report on a story with some substance. She and Jack learn that their friend Brittany is going to CampHero, a camp for kids whose parents have returned home from their deployment with an injury. As they report on this camp, Jack and Skye learn about the difficulties these children face. Buzz is angry with his dad, Brittany is ignoring her father, and Jeremy is ashamed of his mother. But through a great counselor and exciting camp adventures, Brittany, Pablo and Jeremy learn that there are ways to help themselves and support their parents. And with the help of Trevor, all of the kids learn the importance of encouraging each other when challenged by obstacles.