Title: Escape to Grizzly Mountain
Format: VHS
Attributes: Collectible Clam Shell Packaging
Genre: Family-Live Action
UPC: 027616874719
ISBN: 0792852109
MPN: 1003320
Condition: Brand New Factory Sealed Shrink Wrap
Region: NTSC (US, Canada...)
Rated: G
Original Language: English
Original Year: 1999
Closed Caption: Yes
Actor: Boon Collins, Dan Haggerty, John J. Dalesandro, Mike Hughes, Cynthia Palmer-Gershman, Ellina Mccormick, Miko Hughes, Charlotte Dodds, Cody McMains, Miles O'Keefe, Miles O'Keeffe, Jay Tavare, Jan-Michael Vincent
Director: Anthony Dalesandro
Release Date: 2002 VHS Release
Distributor/Studio: MGM Home Video
When Jimmy witnesses the mistreatment of a carnival's performing bear, he sets out to rescue him. Discovering a magical cave that opens a portal in time, he travels back to the 1840s to enlist a mountain man's aid in finding a safe and happy home for his ursine friend. Escape to Grizzly Mountain is a delightful fantasy-adventure for the whole family starring Dan Haggerty as Jeremiah, the nature-loving woodsman from the past.