Special NADN edition paperback

Finding your thousands of dollars in legal tax deductions every year

Robert Bennington is nationally recognized as an entrepreneur and an expert on taxation and the IRS. He is currently President or CEO of three companies that employ over 300 people and specialize in tax strategies that have helped over 600,000 Americans save nearly one hundred million dollars in new tax deduction. He has appeared as an expert on the IRS on more than 1,000 radio and TV shows including CNN, Hard Copy, ABC News, National Public Radio and even Howard Stein's radio show. Ernst and Young named him and his business partner, Cort Christie, Entrepreneurs of the Year in 1999 for emerging business people.

Nearly 20,000 Americans have received the Bennington Strategic Tax Planning audio series. He co-authored the book 1-800-AWAY-IRS that sold by the thousands in bookstores all across the United States. He also publishes a magazine that is mailed to tens of thousands of Americans and his articles have been published in newspapers all over the United States.

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