The Five Little Peppers book series was created by Margaret Sidney from 1881 to 1916. It covers the lives of the five children of Mamsie and the late Mister Pepper who are born into poverty in a rural “little brown house”. The Pepper books were the inspiration for a brief series of feature films produced by Columbia Pictures in 1939-40. The four films were vehicles for Columbia’s juvenile star Edith Fellows, who played Polly. The rest of the kids were Charles Peck as Ben, Tommy Bond of “Our Gang” as Davie, Bobby Larson as Joey, and Dorothy Ann Seese as Phronsie. Starring: Edith Fellows – 4 Classic Movies on 4 DVDs.
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew (1939) Five Little Peppers at Home (1940) Out West With the Five Little Peppers ( 1940) Five Little Peppers in Trouble (1940). Year: 1939 – 1940. Runtime: 240 minutes. BW – FULL FRAME, ORIGINAL ASPECT RATIO – 1.37:1. Audio: DOLBY DIGITAL – MONO – English.