Cicatricure  Bags, wrinkles and Dark Circles.

Revitalizes and brightens the contours of the eyes.

It helps to gradually prevent lines of expression, bags, wrinkles and dark circles. Addition with QAcetyl10 hydrates and stimulates the formation of collagen, counteracting external aggressions, for a fresher and more radiant eye contour.


  Cicatricure Arrugas, Bolsas y Ojeras

Revitaliza y da luminosidad al contorno de los ojo.

Ayuda a prevenir gradualmente líneas de expresión, bolsas, arrugas y ojeras. Adicionada con QAcetyl10 hidrata y estimula la formación de colágeno, contrarrestando las agresiones externas, para un contorno de ojos más fresco y radiante.

Please read all label directions before using this product. As with all medicines, please check with your health care professional first if you have questions or concerns.


Healthcare information

This listing may provide information about medical conditions and their treatment. We make no representation that material in the site is appropriate or available for use outside of the territory of the intended audience. Those who choose to access this site from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent that local laws are applicable.  In addition, nothing on this listing should be construed as providing any kind of medical advice or recommendation, and should not be relied on as the basis for any decision or action. Specific medical advice should always be sought from a qualified medical practitioner