This custom anime embroidery design and pattern features the character Winry Rockbell as she flex from the anime series FMA (Full Metal Alchemist).
Large Design Properties:
Width: 131 mm
Height: 173 mm
Stitch count: 57,501
Sewing time: 128 min.
Color count: 20
Medium Design Properties:
Width: 96 mm
Height: 128 mm
Stitch count: 41,488
Sewing time: 92 min.
Color count: 20
Small Design Properties:
Width: 57 mm
Height: 76 mm
Stitch count: 24,512
Sewing time: 57 min.
Color count: 20
Files Included:
2 formats: .pes .dst
3 sizes: Large Medium Small
1 color chart
1 image print