I purchased this bag from QVC and you can tell by the pictures that it still has the Dooney paper stuffing in the bag.

I apologize that one of the pictures appears foggy. That true grass green that you see in the other pictures is the color of the bag.

One photo shows that the registration card is in the back zip pocket of the bag. Another photo also shows that the bag does not zip closed but has a magnetic snap. It's a true magnetic snap. The bag has a red small checked cotton lining and it does have a middle zipped compartment for your more valuable things like your wallet. The zipped compartment is not as tall as the bag and I have found this to be a better idea because when a bag gets slouchy, that zipped compartment gets in the way if it is almost as tall as the bag.

This is not a shoulder bag but if you look at the straps, you can see that they are adjustable for more length.

Dooney stopped making the Chiara about 2 years ago. They still make leather in grass green. They called this the medium size of the style but when I post the measurements, I think you will find it is medium to large.

The bag is leather but I cannot remember if it is all weather leather or pebble leather. In any case, it's very supple.

I will be posting the actual measurements within a day.