On the Edge of Success (Wadsworth College Success)Product Description ON THE EDGE OF SUCCESS presents a reorganization and expansion of student success fundamentals targeted specifically to students that are on academic probation or at-risk for failing. This book works to help these students modify both academic and personal attitudes and behaviors that have impeded their success in college. ON THE EDGE OF SUCCESS is written in a style that is less academic than some study skills guides but does not talk down to students. It gives students positive encouragement to feel better about whom they are and to stretch their academic abilities. ON THE EDGE OF SUCCESS presents practical ideas, exercises and many opportunities for practice and application of new skills in many aspects of students' lives. About the Author Marmy Clason has taught undergraduate courses for the last 10 years and has been involved with the first-year experience movement at a Christian liberal arts university for the last 7 years. She has frequently spoken about the first-year experience and effective college teaching in a variety of national settings. With John Beck, Clason co-authored ON THE EDGE OF SUCCESS (Wadsworth 2003) in support of college students who are on academic probation. John Beck earned a Ph.D. in theology from Trinity International University. He has taught for 15 years at a Christian liberal arts university where he directed the first-year experience program. Beck is frequently invited to speak on the topics of first-year orientation and effective teaching in the college classroom, particularly at the National Conference for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. He is published both in the areas of biblical studies and first-year experience. Features
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