"St. Hildegard of Bingen"
Charm / Pendant
Sue Kouma Johnson
Hildegard of Bingen, Germany, was a Twelfth Century mystic who excelled in painting, music, science and theology. She was an abbess, a founder of convents, and an adviser to popes. One of the most remarkable persons of all time, this extremely talented woman was a devoted daughter of the Church. She was recently declared to be a doctor of the Church, only the fourth woman and the 34th person to receive that designation.
I painted this in acrylics on canvas, originally 12 x 24 inches. There are paintings of her visions which she dictated to artists of the time. I tried to capture their style and also the way they depicted her in a few of the paintings. Often there were stars in the images and she loved to speak of the spiritual life as green when growing so I placed trees in the painting. Also water is the symbol for the Holy Spirit, as is the fire I depicted above her head.
All of my charms are made with lead-free solder and glass. Same image on both sides.
If you put them on a key chain, they may get broken if not treated kindly. They are glass. If you want one for a key chain, I can custom make it with a thicker glass for $3 extra.
Chain not included. I offer chains elsewhere in my shop. Add one to an order if you want to make it more complete. Here's the link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ball-Chain-for-Pendant-Your-Choice-of-Length-to-Wear-with-Charm-Pendants-/121178814088?pt=Handcrafted_Artisan_Jewelry&var=&hash=item1c36d1f688
This image is also available as a print.
God bless you and thanks for your interest in my work!
Sue Kouma Johnson
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