Amaryllis plants are native to the tropical regions of South America. These spectacular bulb plants can be planted from October through the end of April and will bloom from late December to June. With proper after-bloom care, an Amaryllis plant flowers year after year. Striped Barbados Lily is an easily cultivated, medium tall Hippeastrum species from southern and eastern Brazil. It makes one to several stalks crowned by salmon-orange flowers in early spring and usually before other, similar species. For any humus rich, well-drained soil in a sunny spot. During dormancy keep tubers drier and at a minimum of some 15°C throughout the year. Seedlings are fast growing and may reach flowering size after two years only under appropriate conditions.
Growing Instructions
1. Prepare a mixture of half potting soil and half sand, perlite or vermiculite. Put the mixture in a pot with drainage holes in the base.
2. Water the mixture so that it is moist but not wet.
3. Put the seeds on the soil.
4. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil.
5. Water the seeds.
6. Place the pots in an area with warm temperatures in full sun or part shade.
7. Water them regularly so that the soil does not dry out. The seeds usually germinate in 1-3 weeks.
8. When the seedlings are a few inches tall, they can be transplanted.