About the Product:

ColdZyme oral spray with strawberry flavour reduces the risk of colds and can shorten the course of the disease if used at an early stage of the infection. Relieves cold symptoms and sore throat.

ColdZyme Mouth Spray is used in oral cavity and pharynx where cold viruses get attached and multiply. The spray forms a protective barrier on the mucosa. The barrier works osmotically against cold viruses and catches them and prevents them from infecting cells so that the body can dispose of them naturally. ColdZyme works against the cause of the cold, the cold virus itself. ColdZyme is easy to use and works immediately.

ColdZyme oral spray is sugar-free and preservative free. Contains a marine enzyme that provides a protective barrier against colds in the mouth and throat.

The pack contains 110 puffs (55 doses). Sufficient for about 3 colds.

For children and adults over 4 years.


CE-marked medical device.


How to use ColdZyme Mouth Spray for cold symptoms:

Start using ColdZyme as soon as you notice the symptoms of a cold. Continue until symptoms are relieved.

Instruction for cold symptoms:

1. Open the mouth and point the nozzle towards the throat.

2. Push down the pump and spray 2 puffs (1 dose) every two hours up to 6 times daily.


How to use ColdZyme Mouth Spray for preventive purposes:

If you do not have cold symptoms but are at risk of being exposed to a cold virus, e.g. If someone near you is cold, you can use ColdZyme for preventative purposes.

Instruction for preventive purposes:

1. Open the mouth and point the nozzle towards the throat.

2. Push down the pump and spray 2 puffs (1 dose) every two hours up to 6 times daily while you are exposed to the cold virus.



Do not use ColdZyme Mouth Spray if you are hypersensitive / allergic to any of the ingredients.

Do not breathe while spraying as this may cause short-term asthma-like symptoms, such as coughing and hoarseness.

Contact a doctor if you have a high fever or if your symptoms are worse than with a common cold. These symptoms may be due to something else.

Used for a maximum of 30 consecutive days, there is no clinical data on long-term use.

Keep out of reach of children to prevent accidents involving small parts.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding:

No clinical studies have been performed on the use of ColdZyme Munspray in pregnancy and breastfeeding, so always consult a doctor before use.


About the company:

In the 1970s, the Icelandic researcher Jon Bragi Bjarnason discovered that those who worked in the local fisheries series had unusually whole and soft hands. Given that the cleaned fish, the hands should rather have been cracked and wounded. In this way, it was discovered that some marine organisms carry an enzyme with healing properties.

ColdZyme contains an enzyme from cod that, when it comes into contact with human warm skin and mucous membranes, becomes superactive and provides effective protection against viruses and bacteria.