About the Ring: size 8, ,925 silver filigree Butterfly motif ring. PRETTY piece!!
This is an ALLURING ring that Albina imbued with Alexandria's "Rebirth & Transform" spell. This is a very potent and highly powerful spell that will assist one in "evolving very rapidly through the stages of a complete rebirth and transformation". She explains that Alexandria's spell will call upon all of the natural elements around one, whether this is the wind, the sunlight, animal or plant life, wather, earth, stone, or fire, just to name a few elements, to "lend their energies to the bearer". Then, paired with the Magick of this VERY powerful spell, all of nature's energies will assist in creating an "awakening of one's most divine and powerful form".
This "rebirth" will result in one feeling and being more satisfied with not only one self and one's life, one will also "radiate" with such positivity that one will soon "powerfully attract beneficial and satisfying " experiences in ALL areas of one's life, this includes, relationships, both sexually and emotionally, suceeding and choosing the right path to success in career, home life, and , satisfaction, finding wholeness spiritually, "connecting" with nature again, making better use of one's time, "knowing in one's 'gut' the correct decisions to make as well as achieving every goal that one sets, just to name a few examples. She adds that Alexandria is such a "Masterful practicioner" of the Craft that she
"perfected" this spell and assisted a GREAT many people in her "circles" in obtaining successful, peaceful, happy and enriched lives! My GREATEST Thanks and respect to Albina for all of her wonderful wisdom and Alexandria for leaving her legacy of Magick!!
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