Candlenuts are used in many Asian dishes as a thickening agent, most commonly being found in Malaysian recipes, especially for satay. Candlenuts are best ground up finely before adding to other ingredients. An interesting alternative way to use them is by shaving off slivers, dry roasting them in a pan and then adding the tasty, roasted pieces to curries, satay sauces or sprinkling over the top of rice dishes. The nut is often used cooked in Indonesian and Malaysian cuisine, where it is called kemiri in Indonesian or buah keras in Malay. On the island of Java in Indonesia, it is used to make a thick sauce that is eaten with vegetables and rice

Beside the south East Asian region candlenuts is also an important ingredient to the Hawaiian cuisine Poke, a typical Hawaiian dish uses roasted crushed. Candlenuts as one of its seasoning .as the content like other oily nuts which are beneficial for the hair skin and even the heal wounds.

Attributed Medicinal Properties
Several parts of the plant have been used in traditional medicine in most of the areas where it is native. The oil is an irritant and purgative and sometimes used like castor oil. It is also used as a hair stimulant or additive to hair treatment systems. Kukui nut oil has been considered good for scalp health and hair growth in Hawaii and Fiji. It provides vital nutrients required for growth of hair and protects them from damage. 




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