ABOUT THIS BOOK: Scholastic young adult book about 1977 TV shows and stars. The Stars talk about Past, Present, Future. Happy Days, Good Times, Wonder Woman and others. 

Condition: Good. In this second volume of The True Beauty Of Math, the reader is exposed to some of the most modern and abstract concepts in mathematics. Group theory is the focus of this volume, and in this framework two plus two does not always equal four, and the reader finds that the mathematics of braiding hair is surprisingly similar to the mathematics of shuffling cards and doing arithmetic. All one needs to see this beauty is the background provided by Volume 1 of this series. Readers of any mathematical ability are therefore welcomed, and encouraged to see what the world of math is really like. The mathematical structures and modes of reasoning introduced in this volume are at the heart of current mathematical thought, and are wildly different than those that one learns in school. As the reader journeys deeper into these new frontiers of mathematics, a remarkable and unexpected unity across the subject exposes itself, as does the amazing diversity and flexibility of math.