27X FULL COVEN POWER & POSSIBILITIES spell CAST LED by 99 year old Witch

 Albina will cast this amazing RESTORE POWER ENHANCE INSTINCTS AND ELIMINATE FEAR Spell for you!!




This is a 27X CAST COVEN spell she calls her very powerful "an amazing spell that she learned many decades ago called "Power & Possibilities". She felt that this IS a spell that will assist the bearer in transforming energy, and stimulating physical and intellectual energies which will "open a great window of many abilities, opportunities and possibilities for the bearer". Some examples of the abilities commonly granted abilities are; ESP, enhanced instincts and healing, empowered sense of self, giving and receiving love, initiation and success of projects, sense of confidence and grace, and creative thought processes!

Albina says that this POTENT long held spell promotes a "circular energy" that returns to itself in a wide perimeter around the bearer, and upon it's return transforms any negative forces into pure beneficial energy! She adds that as a result, this "power circle" also tranquilizes and soothes the bearer as it facilitates "new growth and enhanced abilities". She explains that as one's physical and intellectual abilities are stimulated, the bearer will gain "immense power in the form of this pure energy". She also explained that one will be granted an amplification of new "abilities" as one's renewed and cleansed energies stimulate the growth of traits and capabilities such as Extra Sensory Perception, confidence, poise, strength,creativity, understanding and patience.

Albina also noted that those who experienced such Magick have relayed these abilities as a result of the Magick's energies:

*ESP & heightened instincts such as sensing danger, weather changes, calling upon animal guides

*Enhanced Healing abilities as the circular energy stimulates a renewal of the cellular structures and promotes regeneration of health

*An ease in "putting oneself forward" with less fear, enhanced confidence and charm, as well as the ability to sustain and attract relationships and an increase in one's ability to give and receive love.

*Energizing one's stores of energy and dispelling lethargy while promoting new and successful endeavors

*A sense of grace and nobility that grants one an "air of respect" and promotes strength of self when associating with others

*Creative and Unique thought processes as one's mental patterns begin to expand and venture to new avenues of thought as one's intellect is stimulated

Albina says that this is spell "is a great example of the type of Magick that can change lives as it increases one's ability to further oneself by enhancing so many crucial attributes and granting one new gifts of power".My heartfelt thanks to Albina for all the time and effort she has given to us all!





In closing, She also "suggests that this one ALLOW 1-3 WEEKS FOR THIS SPELL'S ENERGIES TO ALIGN WITH ONE'S PERSONAL ENERGIES. My LOVING BLESSINGS to Albina for all of her amazing time and energy!!!




Please allow 2-3 weeks to align with this spell's energies ! MY most heartfelt BLESSINGS to Albina for all that she has given