HI My Name is Maria

I am Reiki Master , I have 20 years of experience helping people all over the world and in person...

You are paying for a complete POWERFUL SUN LIGHT SHAMANIC HEALINGS

As the moon is powerful for all spells The Sun is symbol of prosperity,light and life.... The sun Power are infinite .... I will use my sacrate ritual to invoke the most powerful light of the Universe and bring you exactly the life you need and want...

I will work under your name for 31 days with all my guides and CELESTIAL spirits for bring you everything new,If you feel lonely and want a your soulmate,If you do not like your job and you need a new wonderful job ,if you feel empty and without faith,depress,sad,stress and you need a big change in your life..... this is the spell for you, even if you want a new house I can customize your desires and wishes.

The shamanic natives from Amazonas Peru are famous for their healings and knowledge in natural medicine and some rituals calling the spirits of the nature.  A famous Shamanic clairvoyand, curandera name Cleofes pass her secrets and knowledge to me.

I need your name , date if birth and your picture. And I will check your aura condition to give some information to see if you need some Reiki distant healing.

When I read your Aura I can see aspects of your life that you need to be focus in....  Which changes are coming for you, and how to prevent the negative ones...and my guides messages for you..



Reiki is universal life-force energy,It is directed by the universal intelligence and know where and what to heal.

Reiki is Divine Love, the healing energy guided by Divine intelligence. Reiki never causes harm and always works for the highest good.

Reiki can help:

  • Stress Relief and Relaxation
  • Relief of Pain and Promotes Healing
  • Increasing Physical Energy
  • Enhancing Immune Function
  • Spiritual Growth & Personal Empowerment
  • Experiencing Inner Peace
  • Enhancing Meditation & Intuition
  • Clearing & Energizing Your Home the healing energy guided by Divine intelligence.

History of Reiki

Usui Mikao was born in Japan the 15th of August 1865.
The name Reiki comes from Usui Sensei, who used this ancient form of healing in his clinic, Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, outside Tokyo. The clinic was opened in the beginning of 1900’s and it still exists today, a century later.

During the Meiji period a large number of hand healing techniques were taught in Japan but most of these groups disappeared after World War II. One of the more important groups called Taireidou, was lead by Morihei Tanaka, who was said to have been Usui Sensei's teacher. What exactly Usui Sensei learned from Mr. Tanaka is not known.

Mrs. Hawayo Takata brought Reiki to the west. She received her initial Reiki training in Japan, up to level two, Oku-Den, and received her Reiki Master from Mr. Chujiro Hayashi when he visited Hawaii in 1938.

In an effort to make Reiki acceptable in the west the practitioners presented Usui Sensei as a physician or a Christian monk, but later information has verified that he was a traditional Japanese businessman, loyal to his Emperor.
Usui Sensei also worked with programmed crystals, breathing exercises, scanning and other eastern healing methods in his clinic. However these methods where left out when Reiki was brought to the west.

Usui Reiki Principles

— Just for today do not worry
— Just for today do not anger
— Honor your parents, teachers and elders
— Earn your living honestly
— Show gratitude to everything— Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings
— Just for today I will not worry
— Just for today I will not be angry
— Just for today I will do my work honestly
— Just for today I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing— Just for today, do not anger
— Just for today, do not worry
— We shall count our blessings and honor our fathers and mothers, our teachers and neighbors and honor our food
— Make an honest living
— Be kind to everything that has life

The Reiki symbols cannot cause harm or be used with harmful intentions. Many people therefore question the need for secrecy and the symbols are now widely published in books and on the Internet.

However Reiki symbols can be only use with love ,honesty,and for experience Masters.

The Three Reiki 2 Symbols
Cho Ku Rei
CHO KU REI - The Power Symbol or the light switch, Put all the power of universe here.
Directs energy to the physical body.


Sei He Ki
SEI HE KI - The Mental Symbol is used for purification, cleansing and protection.





Directs energy to the emotional body or subconscious mind.


Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

HON SHA ZE SHO NEN - The Distance Symbol is used to send Reiki to the past, present or future. Healing karma.
Directs energy to the mental body or conscious mind.






The Three Reiki 3 or Masters Symbols
Dai Ko Myo

DAI KO MYO - is used both for attunement and healing and it works on the spiritual body level, healing the soul.



DUMO - is a Tibetan Master Symbol representing the fiery heat of the kundalini.


Fire Serpent

FIRE SERPENT - is often used when passing attunements.




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