The world's tallest mammal is struggling to find space to live and food to eat, due to expanding settlements and is an easy prey to poachers.

Avana, with its twin giraffe lamp, gives out the message to humankind to double and not to half the population of animals left on earth. To live long, we need to co-exist and not solo-exist!

Avana specializes in wooden hand sculpture. We provide the sculpted base. We suggest you to purchase lamp fittings and lamp shade separately, depending on the decor of your house. A brass finish or a gold-tan or a stainless steel do, a dark shade or a light shade - you would be the best judge!


Length: 10 cm
Width: 10 cm
Height: 38 cm
Diameter: 0 cm
Weight: 2.0 Kg
Material Used: Solid Hardwood
Local Name (Material): Acacia Major
Scientific Name (Material): Acacia mollissima