Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *
The news-magazine of the century, with all the news, features, and vintage ADS -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! * ISSUE DATE: April 30 1965; Vol 85, No 18, 4/30/65 IN THIS ISSUE:- [Detailed contents description written EXCLUSIVELY for this listing by MORE MAGAZINES! Use 'Control F' to search this page.] * This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 COVER: Britain's Harold Wilson; The Surprising Socialist. Cover portrait by Pietro Annigoni. MORE MAGAZINES' SUMMARY: NEWS: President Johnson and his night hawks; William W. McAllister (article & photo); Martin Luther King Jr in Massachusetts (article & photo); THE WORLD: Great Britain: Man with a four seat margin, Harold Wilson (Cover story, article, multiple photos); A royal portrait of the Queen in color by Peter Greenham, full page; ESSAY: Big federal move into Education; PEOPLE; MUSIC: Dance: Man of the hour: Rudolf Nureyev (article & photo); Monique de la Bruchollerie invents a new Piano (on the half shell) (article & photo, INTERESTING for us Pianists!); SCIENCE; THE LAW; SPORT; SHOW BUSINESS: TELEVISION: Barbra Streisand at 23 (article & photo); THE PRESS; MODERN LIVING: New York World's Fair, 2nd Round; ART: New hone for the Dead Sea Scrolls (Color photos); MEDICINE; RELIGION; BUSINESS: Steel Deadline; Wall Street; CINEMA: MALE HUNT (review & photo); THE SATAN BUG (review & photo); NOBODY WAVED GOODBYE (review & photo); BOOKS: Samuel Eliot Morison (review & photo); Franz Fanon (review & photo); Legson Kayira (review & photo); MORE. TIME LISTINGS: NATION: Frank Talk to the Gullible (The Nation / FOREIGN RELATIONS). The Big Three (The Nation). Tougher--& Then Some (The Nation). Mac the Fac's Last Mission (The Nation / ARMED FORCES). Shuffle at Budget (The Nation / THE ADMINISTRATION). The Host (The Nation / THE PRESIDENCY). The Informer (The Nation / CIVIL RIGHTS). King Moves North (The Nation). South Carolina's New Senator (The Nation / POLITICS). A Way with Words (The Nation / REPUBLICANS). Death in the Families (The Nation / CRIME). ESSAY: THE BIG FEDERAL MOVE INTO EDUCATION (Time Essay). WORLD: Man with a Four-Seat Margin (The World / GREAT BRITAIN). The Bricklayers (The World / RUSSIA). The Black Sheep (The World / BULGARIA). Firecrackers (The World / FRANCE). When the Trains Ran on Time (The World / ITALY). Of Pride & Politics (The World / WEST GERMANY). Diagnosis: Battle Fatigue Rx: Transfusion (The World / SOUTH VIET NAM). La Bombe (The World / INDONESIA). Hard Blow for the Hard Line (The Hemisphere / BRAZIL). Hope in the Northeast (The Hemisphere). Going It Alone (The Hemisphere / ARGENTINA). The Amigo Americans (The Hemisphere / MEXICO). SCIENCE: The Lighthearted Moon (ASTRONOMY). Molly's Laggard Lift (SPACE). Alexander's Place (ARCHAEOLOGY). HEALTH & MEDICINE: Letdown for Miltown (Medicine / DRUGS). The Cold That Cures (Medicine / SURGERY). Pills in White & Pink (Medicine / GYNECOLOGY). Roundabout Vaccination (Medicine / VIROLOGY). SOCIETY: Second Time Around (Modern Living / FAIRS). A Tiny Party on Fifth Avenue (Modern Living / SOCIETY). PRESS: Baltimore Blackout (The Press / NEWSPAPERS). Folksiness on Wall Street (The Press). Inside Snick (The Press / MAGAZINES). RELIGION: Answering the Call After 30 (PREACHING). Billy Heads South. Communion from a Woman (EPISCOPALIANS). SPORT: The Champ from Pampa (TRACK & FIELD). Crash Course in Zoology (AUTO RACING). Home of the Braves (LACROSSE). Who Won (SCOREBOARD). LAW: Who Polices the Police? (The Law / LAW ENFORCEMENT). The Unborn Plaintiff (The Law / LITIGATION). Ban the Bomb (The Law / COURTS). BUSINESS: Toward the Steel Deadline (U.S. Business / LABOR). On the Inside Track (U.S. Business / WALL STREET). Carnegie Hall on Wheels (U.S. Business / AUTOS). The Clowns (U.S. Business / ANNUAL MEETINGS). First Team at Alcoa (U.S. Business / MANAGEMENT). The Champagne Case (U.S. Business). A Rare Kind of Import (World Business / WESTERN EUROPE). High-Flying Saab (World Business / SWEDEN). ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: Read the story (Time Listings / TELEVISION,THEATER,RECORDS,CINEMA,BOOKS). Man of the Hour (Music / DANCE). Piano on the Half Shell (Music / INSTRUMENTS). Streisand at 23 (Show Business / TELEVISION). The Winner & Now Champion (Show Business). Open Hand in Venice (Art / ARCHITECTURE). Endless Cave in Jerusalem (Art). Three to Go (Cinema). Bacteria Berserk (Cinema). Upstream in Toronto (Cinema). The Admiral's Legacy (Books). Prisoner of Hate (Books). Good Will Odyssey (Books). Everybody's Uncle (Books). Sons of Amber (Books). FULL PAGE vintage ADS include: RCA COLOR; '65 Dodge Coronet; JEEP Tuxedo Park Mark IV 4WD; MERCEDES-BENZ; WINSTON; MORE * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Standard sized magazine, Approx 8oe" X
11". COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
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