The Chakra Therapy Session will help relieve you from energy blockages that negatively affect your physical and emotional health.
You do not need to be present for me to do the Chakra Balance and Healing Session.
I have the ability to do the Reiki Chakra Balance and Healing from a distance.
You do not need to schedule any specific time during your day. I will do all the Balance and Healing from my end.
You will find that you will start to feel different after a session. Many clients have reported that even after one session, they felt the energies start to clear and felt like they had a life changing experience.
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

When we face modern-day trials and tribulations – whether it’s being laid off at work, trying to cope with a rebellious child, or overcoming a health scare – it’s normal to look for the easiest and fastest solution. In this way, we learn to remedy the symptoms of our problems and not their causes, taking the approach that if we can make everything appear fine on the surface, then surely everything is fine underneath. Unfortunately, this casual reliance on quick-fixes isn’t fool-proof. When we fail to address our problems at the root, nothing is ever truly resolved. As such, we put ourselves in a position to experience the manifestations of a problem over and over again.
If you feel as though you’re on a never-ending search for solutions to the difficulties you experience in life, you might be experiencing the effects of a chakra imbalance. As your body’s most vital sources of energy, each of the seven chakra targets a different realm of your being. Blockages occurring at the sites of the chakras can result in various problems in your ability to function on a daily basis. Additionally, when one or more of the chakras is askew, a person can experience recurring difficulties overcoming the obstacles they face. Figuring out if you have a chakra imbalance is the first step towards achieving Chakra Balancing.
Although we all experience hardships from time to time, it is how we deal with those hardships that makes all the difference. Chakra Balancing is a healing method that encompasses your total holistic health – including emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical aspects – by addressing the root causes of your problems and not just their symptoms. As such, balancing the chakras is not a quick-fix; it is a lifestyle change that requires commitment and dedication. Having a fully balanced chakra system can be likened to having all the necessary tools to you need to make repairs – you’ll be able to approach your problems with a clear mind, a ready heart, and the energy you need to succeed.
Taking Stock for Change
To get started working with your body’s innate chakra energy, you’ll first need to take an honest inventory of your life. What symptoms of a chakra imbalance are you experiencing today? Do you find yourself struggling in a relationship, experiencing persistent issues with your weight, or worrying about your finances? All of these problems can be traced to energy disturbances at the source – your chakras. You might be surprised to find that many of the issues you are currently experiencing, or have experienced in the past can be traced to one faulty chakra center. When you can identify the chakra centers related to the afflictions you’re dealing with, you can begin to move forward with the healing process.
Personalize Your Healing
Channeling energy is an age-old spiritual practice derived from Tantrism; nonetheless it can be easily adapted to suit a modern lifestyle. After you have identified an imbalance in the form of a problem you have been experiencing or a struggle you would like to overcome, you must address it by cultivating your own conscientiousness. Meditation is the primary technique used to achieve this sense of awareness; but keep in mind that meditation can take many forms, including yoga, positive affirmations, gemstone healing, breathing exercises, aromatherapy, guided imagery, or rapid eye therapy. The important thing is to identify one or more methods that work for you and integrate them into your daily life. By focusing your attention on the difficulty you’ve been having and mindfully seeking balance, you can change your body’s energy patterns – redirecting restorative energy to an area of need. In this way, your chakra energy centers can actually re-align themselves.
1. Root chakra is the first of the 7 chakras located the base of the spine. This is the chakra that creates a grounding force in the body. So if you feel like you are spacing off, it means that your root chakra is imbalanced.
As the root chakra is associated with red color, concentrating on anything red helps regain balance. The root chakra controls some parts of the lower body like legs, feet, kidneys and immune system while your sense of self esteem, loyalty and survival instincts are centered here.
2. The second chakra is the sacral chakra located around the lower abdomen towards the navel. This is the chakra controlling the upper intestine, stomach, liver, sexual organs, pancreas and adrenal glands.
It also controls honoring of relationships and creativity in the body. Control issues, back pain and fertility problems are signs of imbalance of this chakra that can be helped with the focus on orange or red-orange objects.
3. The 3rd Chakra (solar plexus chakra) is located around the solar plexus and controls your ego along with the liver, middle spine, gallbladder, spleen, kidney, stomach, small intestines and the upper abdomen.
Its imbalance leads to self-esteem issues like sensitivity to criticism, fear of rejection, indecisiveness in life and eating problems. Balance can be regained by concentrating on yellow color.
4. The fourth chakra is the heart chakra found in the center of chest and controls your love, compassion, trust and forgiveness. Those with a healthy heart chakra are generous and loving while those with a wounded one become jealous, harbor feelings of hatred and fear and suffer from heart and lungs disease. This chakra can be balanced using the colors pink and green.
5. The 5th Chakra is the throat chakra is linked with honesty and decision making. It is located in the throat and controls the voice and throat. This balanced chakra helps in preventing tooth, throat and gum diseases and is associated with the color blue.
6. The 6th Chakra. The brow or third eye chakra is associated with wisdom and perspective and is called the third eye as it is located in between the eyebrows. This chakra controls the brain and nervous system and when balanced, one tends to make good judgments and detachment most of the time.
Imbalance in the chakra makes one delusive, retreat into a fantasy world and suffer learning problems and spinal dysfunction. The chakra is related to the color indigo.
7. The seventh chakra is the crown chakra, located on the top of the head and controls spirituality in the body. It is through this chakra that universal energy reaches the other chakras. And a well balanced crown chakra makes you well connected to the universe. This chakra is associated with white and violet colors.
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LEGAL DISCLAIMER~ Service not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. Holistic healing practices are intended to be combined with the advice of a medical/mental health specialist. Service should in no way be considered as a substitution for expert medical advice. In the case of injury or illness, please consult your physician or mental health care provider. You must be 18 to make purchase of thissale.