Nelson King James Version Bible Commentary, For readers of the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, this commentary is a must have. Both practical and doctrinal, this work draws on the expertise of top evangelical scholars to offer a complete, verse-by-verse commentary on the entire Bible. The goal of this commentary is to offer a complete, authoritative explanation of the meaning of each book of the Bible, and the Bible as a whole. The authors have provided both an outline for quick identification and organization of the major parts of each book, and a thorough introduction to each book, with important background information on authorship, date and place of writing, and the theme and purpose. Also included are 48 quality maps for visualizing key Bible events. Each book also has its own bibliography for further study.Comprehensive, reliable, and easy-to-use for students, teachers, and preachers, this commentary offers practical truth and biblical principles. The goal: to move beyond facts and ideas to a real-world understanding that is usable in church, class and life. When used in conjunction with the King James Reference Bible or the King James Study Bible, this tool becomes even more valuable.
Thomas Nelson, 1853 pages, 978-1418503406, Hardcover