HOW TO EXFOLIATE OR PEEL THE SKIN : This technique has been used for centuries it will leave you skin glowing and heathy as it stimulates blood supply, exfoliates dead skin cells deeply leaving the skin tingling and well toned .mproves the flow of oxygen to the skin reducing skin aging. Frees ingrown hair . The benefits are endless. Moisturise after you finish for super amazing skin . 1. Soften your skin by bathing or under a wrarm shower for at lesast 5 minutes .Rinse the skin . 2. The peeling process can be done in the shower but never under the stream of water . 3. wet the Bath house essentials glove with warm water and squeeze out the exercess. 4. Rub the skin vigorously in a vertical direction the amout of pressure is up to how comfortable you feel.Talk care of sensitive areas . You will see roles of skin or white flakes on the glove and if you rub you hand over your skin when you finish more skin will peel off in roles . you may wish to rub the excess off with you hand or you can jump back into the shower to clean it off . 5. Moistrurise the skin to get rid of the tingling feeling ( somrnetimes more skin will roll off), you moistrurizer will pernetrate and enchance its action action ( aromathearapy products are a good choise as they will work deep into the skin with armazing results). About Aromatherapy: The use essential oils that have the power to heal. Exfoliation is the most benefical method of absorbing essential oils into the body . |