Title: The March Of Prophecy
Format: VHS
UPC: 820337236039
MPN: TCV 236
Instructor / Actor: Dr. Charles Blair
Studio: Total Content / Charles E. Blair Foundation
Runtime: Approx 180 minutes
VHS Release Date: 2002
Rating: NR (Not Rated)
Region: NTSC ( US, Canada )
Attribute: NTSC, Closed Captioned
Language: English
Join Dr. Charles Blair on an unforgettable expedition through 6000 years of history - His Story - with God systematically making and keeping His promises to man.
When God created this planet, He weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in balances, fixed the boundaries of the seas and determined when the sun should rise and set. He made man in His image, and gave him the power of choice. Knowing that man would wonder away, He planned redemption through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Gor foresaw the rise and fall of kingdoms, and the comsummation of all things at the end of time. He inspired the recording of the past, present and future in a book for all to read the Bible. The "March of Prophecy" has been underway fo more than 6000 years and shall continue until "time shall be no more."