High frequency energy for chronic illness and disease! This amazing system is one of the deepest healing and cleansing Attunemernts I have ever experienced!
It feels like Reiki except much more powerful.
IT is a high frequency energy
system that is connected to the Egyptian Goddess Isis. It has been used successfully in helping to aid the healing process of many dis-eases including
Cancer, heart and other chronic illnesses. It does not happen every time but it aids the healing process and often helps immensely. Once attuned many people will see a golden pyramid spinning in the third eye area, shortly after the attunement takes place. Use to increase your mental and telepathic abilities by the stimulating effect it has on the area of the third eye.
This is an amazing attunement for those who wish to heal or heal other!
My attunement to GT was very extremely powerful. I was having a migraine and really needed the help at the time. I saw the golden triangle, feel asleep for a bit and opened my eyes pain free and powerfully charged.
Brightest Blessings and welcome. This attunement will be given by two Reiki Masters. What this means to you is that you will be attuned to the energies that we practice every day in life and magick.
We are both Ordained Reverends and Have over 50 years experience healing experience together.
Your attunemts will be done by me, Raincloud Potillo and Rev. Elizabeth "Rowan Nineveh" .
There is no doubt that you were brought here for a reason. Please take a look around and see what’s in the store. We offer many wonderful services!
Spirit Steed Empowerment by Linda Colibert.
Brightest Blessings and welcome. This attunement will be given by two Reiki Masters. What this means to you is that you will be attuned to the energies that we practice every day in HEALING and magick. This is our life and how we make a living. Not part time healers but full time lifetime healers.
We are both Ordained Reverends and Have over 50 years experience with healing together.
Your attunements will be done by me, Raincloud Potillo and Rev. Elizabeth "Rowan Nineveh" .
There is no doubt that you were brought here for a reason. Please take a look around and see what’s in the store. We offer many wonderful services!
Who we are!
I will be bringing to you the best of my healing services and attunements. We are just getting started so be sure to add us to your favorites to see the wonderfulsales in the days to come! We have lots of exciting attunements to help, cleanse, make you more magickal, help you to bond, heal and be all you can be!
These attunements and healing will bring profound insight and changes into your lives and I will always be here to help!
Proud member of the American Paranormal Research Society
Ordained minister (30 years)
Reiki Grand master teacher
Co-founder The Body of Light Healing Center
Registered and accredited by World Reiki Association and
World Metaphysical Association
Doctorate in Metaphysics
Doctorate in Shamanism
Master in Wiccan studies
Elder High Priestess Coven of the Silver Stars
Light worker
Doctor of Divinity
What you will receive:
Once you have purchased and remitted payment I will contact you at your email address..
Important Disclaimer: This treatment should never be used as a substitute for or instead of proper medical attention. Please seek appropriate medical care! This technique can work in unison with many other forms of medical treatment. Reiki integrates into your body, mind, and soul and will affect you in wonderful and exciting ways but cannot take the place of professional health care!.
paypal only or contact me through
All item will be delivered to your paypal email address. If you need different please let me know in the message deatils of payment.
All sales final.. If there is a problem let me know!
We provide the best.. look no further.
Please contact us through! |