If you purchase more than one item on the same order, we can give deeper discounts.
Please inquire!


All Spirit Companions we offer will only be sold to one Male or Female master, and his or her name will be given to the new master after purchase.


All of our spells and entities are 100% safe for you, your family, friends and pets.


All of our spells and spirits can either be bound to a talisman suitable for males or females, and will be mailed to you, or you can choose a remote casting or a direct binding, which does not require any object to be mailed to you.


*   *   *


Seeker You Have Found the
Master Spellcasters of Betweenallworlds! 


We proudly present:


All-Powerful Marid


And His Entire Kingdom



All Wishes Granted!


His Majesty the King bestows upon His Master:


All That You Ask, Including:  Money!  Wealth!  Protection!

Success!   Good Luck!  Love!   Power!  Passion!  Psychic And

Magick Powers!  Shapeshifting!  Sex Appeal!  Happiness!


And So Much More!


All of our spells and spirits can either be bound to an attractive pendant suitable for males or females, or you can choose a remote casting or a direct binding.

The Master Spellcasters of Between All Worlds offer a rare opportunity to be the Master of a Djinn King of the most immense power and an entire Kingdom of Djinns at your service.


Awesome Power, Unlimited Wishes Granted!


This most high born Royal King Djinn is so powerful, and yet so beloved by His subjects, that His entire kingdom of djinns has joined Him in service to a Master. 


This amazing offer includes His Royal Highness and His entire Djinn court: nobles, aristocrats, elites, soldiers, commanders. And, of course, the commoners with their endless trades and tools. All are occupied with the business and bustle of a thriving kingdom.


This is a rare opportunity to be the Supreme Ruler of millions of Djinns, who love to obey their King and His new Master.  His Majesty rules a vast Realm of Djinns,  commanding His subjects to work around the clock, non-stop throughout your life to grant your wishes.  An entire Djinn Kingdom  stands ready to obey their King's orders and grant all that you desire.


The gifts an entire Djinn kingdom can bestow are endless. All wishes will be granted beyond your wildest expectations.


A partial list includes, but is not limited to:

Wealth, Protection, Love, Financial Success, Physical Attractiveness, Happiness, Energy, Riches, Leadership Ability, Psychic and Magickal Powers, Wisdom, Peace and Serenity, Hex and Curse Removal, Passion, Victory, Romance, Sensual Delight, Popularity, and so much more it is impossible to list all the ways your life will be transformed!


Do you have the vision, the boldness, the confidence to direct the affairs of this Djinn Kingdom?


Are you destined to be the power at the center of this Royal Court?  This is a rare opportunity that comes to few people.


Consider whether or not you are ready for a great destiny.


Consider well,
for a kingdom awaits your command!



All of the Royal Dynasty Djinns we offer will bestow upon you too many gifts to list, because you can ask for and get EVERYTHING YOUR HEART DESIRES. You simply have to decide what you want.



 You only have to accept the hand of good fortune that is reaching out to you today and have the courage to be who you have always wanted to be and live the life you have always wanted to live. 

Do that, and...


You will be transformed!!!




About Djinns

The Djinn are an ancient race who long, long ago manifested in this realm in the vast desert areas if this planet. They were created from smokeless fire long before humankind was created from clay. There is no greater guidance than that afforded by a mature and knowledgeable King Marid Djinn.

When their otherworldly dynamism can be harnessed to our purposes, their talents and abilities can utterly transform our human lives. Once a Royal Marid Djinn has something which they can apply their native intelligence, creativity and unlimited power to, you will have an awesome ally for the rest of your life. They can assist you in every aspect of life, both large and small. You can also reap the benefit of their great mystic powers.




There is no work involved in bonding to your Djinn.  Just keep the amulet nearby; you can wear it, keep it in a pocket or even in a room where you spend a lot of time. That will bond this magnificent Djinn to you, and He will begin to do your bidding, fulfilling your conscious and subconscious wishes and desires. 

Treat your Djinn with respect, please. He deserves it, for He is very wise and wants nothing but to give great things to you.

The name of this Royal King Marid Djinn will be given to the new Master.



 You do not need to do anything to activate the magick.  No rituals or rites are needed by you, because we have done them all. 


All you need to do is stay positive and understand that no magick by any spellcaster works immediately.  All magick, no matter what others may say, usually takes one to four months on average, to begin re-arranging cosmic law to manifest the magick.


All our spells and Spirits are 100 percent safe for you,your family, your pets, etc.


Thank you for visiting BetweenAllWorlds. Remember to "Favorite" us and visit often to check out the latest one-of-a-kind magickal spells we will be offering.


The written content of this listing (excluding template components) is under copyright protection of betweenallworlds and cannot be used without the express written permission of betweenallworlds.




We are Between All Worlds

Where the Magickal Becomes Real


A group of Master Spellcasters;  conjurers, elders, white light workers, shamans, traditional wiccan witches, warlocks, and wizards who have united our energies and abilities in the service of humankind.

We are all well known in magickal circles, all considered to be among the most powerful spellcasters you will find.




  • Payment is accepted only through PayPal.
  • We ask that you pay for items within seven (7) days of purchase.



Considering your privacy: If we have any information or instruction we mail it with the item. However, if for privacy reasons you prefer that we not do this, please let us know.

  • Shipping is free within the United States.
  • We ship First Class mail.  
  • For international shipping: Please inquire.
    All international buyers are responsible for all tax, duties and customs fees.
  • We will combine shipping for multiple items.
  • Once we have mailed your package we will notify you that it is on its way.


Legally, we must state the following:

You must be at least 18 years old to purchase any of the items at this site.  All items sold here and all information provided here are for entertainment purposes only. The Seller is not responsible for anything pertaining to items purchased on this site.  Results from owning and working with the items on this site are variable. There is no guarantee of paranormal or spiritual benefits for the buyer. We are not personally liable for the actions or the results of actions taken by the buyer. Each buyer makes a purchase at his or her own risk.  No items sold on this site, or information provided on this site, are meant as a substitute for professional, financial, legal, medical, psychiatric, or psychological advice, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment. No items sold on this site, or information provided on this site, are meant as a cure for any mental or physical problem or disease.  This disclaimer applies to any written or verbal communication we have with anyone about this listing. Purchase of any items from this site constitutes acceptance of the terms above.




Thank you for visiting BetweenAllWorlds. Remember to  add us to your  "Favorites" list and visit often to check out the latest one-of-a-kind magickal spells we will be offering. Until then, we wish you the brightest blessings and say "Farewell" for now.









































































Template designed by Melange Tulsa