My Coven and I are offering you an ultra-powerful IFRIT DJINN KING CONJURING SPELL! This is your opportunity to begin your journey into the world of Djinn. This spell will put the power of of a true Djinn King in the palm of your hands! He will protect you. He will give you money drawing abilities. And he will even grant you wishes!
This spell calls upon an authentic Djinn. Djinn are majestic entities that come from the Arabic world. They have existed since mankind has existed. The live on the barrier of our world and the spirit realm. Djinn have been reported by human sightings since we have gained the ability to read and write. And, they have helped people with their deepest desires.
A Djinn King is at the top of the hierarchy of Djinn. He is FAR more powerful than normal Djinn. The abilities of this entity are mind-blowing. The activity that I've seen personally from entities like this have been PROFOUND! He will be your guardian FOR LIFE!
Have your desires and more!
Summon a powerful, Ifrit Djinn King!
Become like royalty yourself!
Be protected and be put on your path to wealth!
If you are constantly stressed by fear or money, then allow your Djinn King to remove that stress. Your unique Djinn King will use his his power of protection and guardianship to calm your anxiety. He will also put you on the journey to wealth. And, if you've ever been interested in Wish Magick, this is a fantastic first step.
Do not doubt your desire for a protective companion and a better life. There is no shame in that. This entity will give you what you need to accomplish your goals and end your loneliness. Stop putting it off! If you're still reading, I know you are feeling drawn to your Djinn King!
Draw wealth to you and have IMMENSE protection!
Allow your Djinn King to give you his gifts!
This spell can be cast upon you or ANY person of your choosing! If someone you know is in need of magick intervention, this will help!
This is your chance to experience an AUTHENTIC spell casting!
Feel the power of the mighty Djinn King!
This is a Gray Magick spell and no harm will come to you. We will cast an additional White Magick protection spell just for your peace of mind. My coven have become very skilled in summoning Djinn royalty and using them for you. You will not believe how successful this spell can be!
Have your own, personal royal Ifrit Djinn!
This spell works directly on whoever you wish it cast upon. Do not doubt the spell’s ability to bring your very own Djinn King to be your companion. If you desire to remove your money stresses, have wishes granted, and build a new life, this is your chance. I have helped HUNDREDS summon Djinn and Djinn royalty. Now is my chance to help you!
You can pick your date that this spell needs to be completed. You will get an email from my Coven and I letting you know when the spell has been complete.
There are no amulets or totems necessary for this spell.
Once purchased I will message you and get the details that we will need from you.
There is no item that will be shipping from us - this is a casting.