TP-RR-1000 Reel Rack .$1,300
TP-RR-1001 Casters (set of 4).$129
The Reel Rack is an affordable accessory that all maintenance facilities should have. These Reel Racks can save you time and labor costs when storing or transporting reel units. Easy and quick to assemble. Can hold up to 6 cutting units and room on top for other tools, string trimmers, flag poles, etc. Casters sold separately. You can’t afford not to own at least one.
IMPORTANT: Load both sides of lower levels and work up to ensure rack remains balanced.
Place real units on bottom 3 levels and other items on top.Keep your shop floor clean and organized.
Payment can be made over the phone via Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover by calling 239-357-1853 Craig (Greener Crew).