**You are buying a LEGITIMATE (actually legit, not that it will simply pass as legit!) Shiny G-Max Timid Solar Power Charizard. It has ‘only’ 4 perfect IV’s in Attack, Defence, Special Defence and Speed. I have used a Gold Bottle Cap on it to make it 6IV.

Once you have paid please send me a message with your Pokemon Trainer Name! The sooner I have your Pokemon Trainer Name the sooner we can arrange a trade :)

My availability estimates are:
Monday - 2pm - 1am GMT
Tuesday - 2pm - 1am GMT
Wednesday - 2pm - 1am GMT
Thursday - 2pm - 1am GMT
Friday - 4pm - 1am GMT
Saturday - 4pm - 1am GMT
Sunday - 2pm - 6pm GMT

These times are only estimates and not guarantees, some days I will start much earlier and finish much later than the times given but other days I will be available less hours or even have off. I am by far the 'best' seller of Pokemon having reached over 12,750 feedback and being at 100% as of writing this. I started doing this when XY were still new :)