A spiritual race of beings hailing from Charnaggen d' Olath referred to as dark elves. An infernal race that has been known before the dawn of man was ever concieved they specialize in assisting and serving with demonic evocation, Necromancy, death curses spiritual assassination, seduction, trickery and transformation.
This particular Draelith connects to a Noble house of Charnaggen d'Olath whom are numberless serving under Illivryn The Ancient Spider Mother and Vishalae, the Sanguine goddess of blood deadly and terrifying granting control over spider familiars powerful forms of Animism this house carved on the stone is to be blooded and worn to learn their secrets and obtain prestige in one's life along with amassing power they offer the secret of the spider Totem and its many powers along with protection. I have an alter piece myself and no single sorcerer has ever been able to preach the protection or gifts they have offered over the years a powerful boon to any aspiring disciple who wishes to embark on the journey to godhood with the forbidden magicks the Draelith offer.