7x9" United States Air Force Prayer
7x9" Cherry finish plaque with the US Air Force Prayer engraved on blue brass with gold lettering. A USAF emblem adorns the top. This makes a wonderful gift or award. Any Airman would be proud to own and display this wonderful salute to their commitment and dedication. Plaque has a routed keyhole on the back for mounting on the wall.
U.S. Air Force Prayer reads as follows:
Lord guard and guide the men who fly,
Through the great spaces of the sky.
Be with them as they take to air,
In morning light and sunshine fair.
Eternal Father, strong to save,
Give them courage, make them brave;
Protect them whereso'er they go,
From shell and flak and fire and foe.
Most loved Member of their crew,
Ride with them up in the blue.
Direct their bombs upon the foe,
but shelter those whom Thou dost know.
Keep them together upon their way.
Grant their work success today.
Deliver them from hate and sin,
and bring them safely down again.
O God bless the men who fly,
Through lonely ways beneath the sky,
Stock photograph makes engraving look blurred. The actual plaque has very sharp letters and image.