Keur Moussa CD (CD20)
Sacred Chant & African Rhythms from Senegal
01. Suma Hol Nam (I Was Glad)
02. Mon Ame Exalte Le Seigneur
My Soul Exalts The Lord
03. Kambere Saramang
Kora Instrumental
04. Nous Te Louons, Pere Invisible
We Praise You, Invisible Father
05. Ethiopie / Ethiopia
06. Wis Ma Ndoh / Asperges Me
07. Chant a La Vierge
Chant To The Blessed Virgin
08. Ndav Su Gnul
I Am Black and Comely
09. Dedicace / Dedication
10. Gis Na Deh / Vidi Aquam
11. Psalms 148-149
12. Yesu Dekalikuna / Jesus Is Risen
13. Lumiere Redieuse
14. Ndey Dyu Sela Dyl
Canticle of The Virgin Mary
15. Gem Na / The Nicene Creed
16. Tatyu Len / Clao Your Hands
17. Tya Mom Ndam Gu Rey
Canticle of Creation
Used CD in great condition.
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