The Primordial Male Healing Empowerments
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Founder: Baba Prajna Shiva Kalidasa
Levels 1
You will receive 1 distant attunement and 1 emailed pdf manual, sent electronically by link
From the author of empowerment:
“” Zagzagel is the angel associated with Moses and the burning bush. She carried the power of the Creator into the world and manifested the light of the burning bush. She is the Angel of Wisdom, Healing, and Balance. The Female Primordial Healing Medallion has been designed to carry the healing power of Zagzagel into the female body. When a woman places this medallion on her chest, she only need wear it. The medallion automatically radiates the power of the Creator into the aura and spreads the miraculous energy associated with The Archangel Zagzagel.
Here is the description of both of the Primordial Healing Medallions according to the creators of them:
A few weeks ago, we crossed a major threshold. We estimate that over 300 life changing miracles have occurred as a result of the energy of darshan that we have been granted through our prayers and works. A woman wrote us who had been diagnosed with breast cancer. She began playing The Miracle Prayer day and night prior to her staging process. When she went in for staging, the tests came back with a score of ZERO. The doctors had never seen that before. They call it a miracle. We have a pretty good idea of what happened.
Zagzagel is the angel associated with Moses and the burning bush. She carried the power of the Creator into the world and manifested the light of the burning bush. She is the Angel of Wisdom, Healing, and Balance. The Female Primordial Healing Medallion has been designed to carry the healing power of Zagzagel into the female body. When a woman places this medallion on her chest, she only need wear it. The medallion automatically radiates the power of the Creator into the aura and spreads the miraculous energy associated with The Archangel Zagzagel.
The Male Primordial Medallion carries the energy of the Elohim into the male human body and effects change automatically.
Each of these medallions was created to carry great healing energy and power. They are the first Primordial Class Healing Medallions that we have created.
Men should acquire the male primordial healing medallion and women should acquire the female primordial healing medallion. The medallions may be worn and used by children, the elderly, teens, and adults of all ages.
You may place the medallion in an animal’s bedding but be sure to choose the medallion appropriate to the sex of the animal.”
The Information above came with the medallion that I purchased, and they have seriously stressed that only men should wear it. This attunement is set up for all of my Apprentices, whether they be female or male, as we all have both energies within us, and because we often rotate from one sex to the other in every other lifetime. So, to any woman who chooses to accept this attunement, pay attention to what comes next!
When I set up the attunements for you all then I set it so that the energy that goes through me will not only hang around to empower me, but will go to the men who will receive it as well as to the future men any woman who receives it will be in a future lifetime as every attunement that I set up is done in such as way that it follows all of us from lifetime to lifetime. So, as you receive this attunement, and the energy is passing through Raven Mahakali (International Mahakali Priestess) and me to you, that energy that passes through her will be converted so as to make her current lifetime to become better even now. And, since most people rotate from one sex to the other in every other lifetime, then I have set this up so that the energy will do the same for any woman who chooses to receive this empowerment unless they consciously want it to affect them in this lifetime. We all have both female and male energy in us so do with it what you will.””