Templar Power & Fortune Empowerment

This attunement process  cannot use it on buy one get one, two, three…etc. sites, free sites or swap sites or to sell it for less than $44.00 USD.

Founder: Aghori Prajna Shiva Kalidasa

Levels 1

You will receive 1 distant attunement and 1  emailed pdf manual, sent electronically by link

The description of the energy of the amulet that you will receive from the author of empowerment:

“An Amulet is an object which has intrinsic power to give protection to its wearer, whereas a Talisman is specifically made to achieve a particular purpose. Amulets give protection by absorbing negative energies, while Talismans work by generating a positive force to achieve their objective. Both work like self charging solar batteries and are constructed in a way which links them with the appropriate ‘force’ concerned for the intention. Amulets and Talismans have been worn by people of almost every culture right up to the present. Even today millions of people throughout the world who claim to have no time for “all this Magickal nonsense” happily wear their crucifix or St. Christopher or Star of David – all of which are types of Amulets worn for Magickal protection.

Our Medieval Fortune Charms originate from Poland and are faithful copies of magickal charms worn by medieval Knights, including Teutonic Knights and Templar Knights as Amulets and/or Talismans (depending on method of empowerment) around the neck, on belts, or attached to their armour. They are nicely crafted of brass and copper, both metals important in Alchemy. Each is supplied with a leather thong for wearing.

Our Medieval Fortune Charms originate from Poland and are faithful copies of magickal charms worn by medieval Knights, including Teutonic Knights and Templar Knights as Amulets and/or Talismans (depending on method of empowerment) around the neck, on belts, or attached to their armour. They are nicely crafted of brass and copper, both metals important in Alchemy. Each is supplied with a leather thong for wearing.

‘Charm for Strength, Power, & Riches’

This is a faithfully reproduced copy of an amulet from a genuine Medieval Knight’s Magickal belt housed in the Warsaw Museum in Poland. This powerful charm should be worn to draw on the wisdom of the old and bring strength, power and abundance into the life of the wearer.

Abundance and a high yield in whatever you produce also comes from this amulet.”
