129 800 02 72 -- (1) side, 1 cylinder Removed from recently salvaged R129 Convertible. Tonneau Cover lift cylinder. Left or Right side the same. Like any cylinder we list here there is no evidence of any leakage, No moisture... dry where the rod extends from. I have two still installed in the boot. The cylinder is the same both sides, but the boots are different so if it matters Indicate what side you need.  These appear as they were removed from the vehicle, NOT cleaned or 'refurbished' in any way so you can see there is NO Evidence of Leaking !!     A little moisture is normal on cylinders but they cannot drip any fluid but these other sellers just clean them off so there's no way you can make a judgement call on them.... and then they claim they're 'refurbishded', or refurbullshitted, as I like to call them.........