Opuntia Cochenillifera.

Sinonimus: Cactus cochenillifer, Nopalea cochenillifera


Lot of 10 cuttings about 6" tall by 2" wide.


     This is a very usefull tool to any cactus collector if want to get a slow growing cactus from seeds  to a flowering size in just a fraction of the time, slow growing like astrophytums, ariocarpus, lophophoras, aztekium, pediocactus....., and almost  any cactus will grow at amaizing speed one time is grafted on opuntia, opuntia have a lots of advantage like long term grafting, can be plant the grafted with stock under ground to look like own root, the stock will keep growing as the sion (top grafted) grow so you’ll get a good looking result, opuntia as stock show one of the best results if compare to others stocks just look the second picture of this astrophytum grafted 6 months ago the plant was grow own roots for it’s first year and after grafted develop 2 heads, opuntia stock is also fantastic for crested variegated and monstrose.


      Also know by Mexican as nopal, the whole plant is edible, this pads are cooking to prepare delicious dishes by Mexican and one of the main food chain in Mexico.



We have a lot of extremely rare cactus if you want something rare let me know and I will listing for you. Questions? feel free to email me.