Theatre Arts
Most issues publish a complete play (With photographs from the current production), as well as reviews, photos and features about the theater, theatre arts, current productions on Broadway, off Broadway, Opera, plus fabulous vintage ADS, and MORE -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below!

Issue Date: August, 1957; Vol. XLI, No. 8
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St. John Terrell's Music Circus in Lambertville, New Jersey, the pioneer among musical tent theatres. Illustration by Gardner Leaver. A feature on these summer theatres, "Tenting Tonight," is contained in this issue.

The Genesis and Exodus of the Play by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee.
The complete text of INHERIT THE WIND by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee. (MANY Photos of the production)

The Incomparable Max by Hesketh Pearson.
Drama's Return to Religion by E. Martin Browne.
Tenting Tonight.
Playmakers' Progress by Paul Green.
From Grass-roots Stage to National Spotlight.
'Preparation for the Theatre'.
A Free Stage and a Free Society by George D. Stoddard.
'Greatest of Juliets' -- LILIAN ADELAIDE NEILSON -- by Albert F. Johnson. (Article and photo)
Our Top Production -- a Theatre by Kenneth J. Spry.
Building a Theatre, Do-It-Yourself Style by Thomas Schroth.
New Stages for Old.
My Ten Favorite Plays by OTTO A. HARBACH.
My Ten Favorite Plays by GARDNER COWLES.
SPECIAL DIRECTORY SECTION: Schools of the Theatre and Community Theatres;Theatre, USA by Alice Griffin.
OPERA HOUSE:London's Large Order by Emily Coleman.
DEPARTMENTS: Letters;Calendar; Offstage;America's Dramatic Critics;Famous American Theatres.

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