common names: Barbados cherry, acerola, West Indian cherry, Puerto Rican cherry, Jamaican cherry
is a tropical tree which makes a fine addition to a South Florida
gardener`s backyard fruit ``orchard.`` A native of the West Indies, it
is a small, attractive, fast-growing tree that won`t reach much more
than 12 feet, although it can be kept clipped back to shrub size. It`s
leaves are small and evergreen, borne densely on rather brittle
branches. The branches of some varieties droop; others are quite
upright. The Barbados cherry's blossoms attract butterflies, and its fruit attracts birds and other animals.
bright pink, five-petaled flowers are small but pretty, with the trees
blooming mainly from April through October although some blossoms appear
year around. Fruiting is from May to November, but again, a few
cherries may be picked now and then throughout the winter.
fruit is about the size and shape of a true cherry, with a thin scarlet
skin, golden flesh and three small seeds. It has an excellent flavor but
its main claim to fame
is its extremely high quantity of ascorbic acid, vitamin C. The tarter
the fruit, the more vitamin C, it is said. But even though a single
fruit of a mouth-puckering variety may supply all the vitamin C you need
for an entire day, you`ll probably prefer a sweeter variety, such as
``Florida Sweet.`` You can eat the cherries raw or use them for juice or
Most of the Barbados cherry trees sold in this area are
propagated from cuttings from mature trees which produce good fruit.
They may be planted here at almost any time of the year, preferably in
full sun and well-drained soil. They may be fertilized in spring and
fall with a balanced fertilizer (10-10-10) and given extra water during
dry months. For a well-established tree, rains usually will supply
sufficient moisture in summer.
Bark: The bark of the tree contains 20-25% tannin and has been utilized
in the leather industry.
Wood: The wood is surprisingly hard and heavy. Trials have
demonstrated that it refuses to ignite even when treated with flammable fluid
unless perfectly dry.
Medicinal Uses: The fruits are considered beneficial to patients with
liver ailments, diarrhea and dysentery, as well as those with coughs or colds.
The juice may be gargled to relieve sore throat.
We have
more seeds and a lot of extremely rare cactus if you want something rare
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