The picture is only to give an idea of the plants used to collect seeds but I have a lot more not showing in this picture, this is a MIX and will shipping as mix not independent labeled by species, the seeds were took this season, We have a lot of extremely rare cactus if you want something rare let me know and I will listing for you. Questions? feel free to email me.

Echinopsis is generally an easy to grow genus; the plants are not too demanding and some even tolerate a windowsill and still bloom. The plants have been grown in Europe for over 150 years and part of their popularity resides in their ease of culture, but part also derives from their huge flowers.

Eventually, the fascination with Echinopsis spread across the Atlantic Ocean, plants with large flowers and lots of color. Hobbyists in Germany and Czechoslovakia also created hybrids. Mr. Bob Schick used the Paramount hybrids (and other influences) to create the Schick hybrids. Eventually the Huntington Botanical Gardens introduced over 100 Echinopsis Schick hybrids.

Echinopsis hybrids are grown mainly for their very large and beautiful flowers. The plants are easy to grow from seeds. The taxonomy of this group is not easy, as the delimitation of the various related genera overlaps to the extent that some taxonomists have lumped them all together into the single genus Echinopsis. This includes for example Lobivia, Chamaecereus, Trichocereus, Pseudolobivia, Helianthocetreus, and Acanthocalycium. Like all committed hybridizers I have attempted to improve on nature by hybridization between species and groups of plants that never meet in the wild.