"Abridgements of current best-selling books, by special permission of the original publishers"
Unique and rare magazine, and unlike other condensations, MANY of these are actually condensed by the original authors: "Abridged from the book in the author's own words"

Issue Date: JUNE, 1948; Vol. 10, No. 7
Featured in THIS issue:
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COVER illustration by Cyrus LeRoy Baidridge.

Authorized abridgements of current best-selling books. These books are abridged in the authors' own words through special royalty arrangement with the original publishers.

JOSEPH GEORGE HITREC -- SON OF THE MOON -- Old ways clash with new as India struggles toward modernity in this novel of vivid contrasts.

ILKA CHASE -- FREE ADMISSION -- Quips and barbs highlight these recollections of a stellar career on the stage, screen, and radio.

ALBERT E. IDELL -- THE GREAT BLIZZARD -- A nostalgic tale of old New York featuring the big snow of 1888 and the doings of the Brooklyn Dodgers.

MERRIMAN SMITH -- A PRESIDENT IS MANY MEN -- A famous White House correspondent gives us a be- hind-the- scenes view of the President's household.

CARL VAN DOREN -- THE GREAT REHEARSAL -- A stirring account of the making of our Constitution and its subsequent ratification.

Short Selections from Other Current Books:
The Last Billionaire, by William C. Richards.
We Called It Culture, by Victoria Case and Robert Ormond Case.
Throw Me a Bone, by Eleanor Lothrop.
It's Greek to Me, by Willie Snow Ethridge.

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This DIGEST sized magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)