Read first Description: 3 ML ( 3 vials total )

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Blend of pheromones that attract the swarm of honey bees and entices the scout bees to declare the swarm trap a suitable new home.

Note: On picture are few vials,  ( 1 ML  each ) of the orientation blend pheromones sometimes called the “Come Hither” pheromones. 


*Capture swarms from your own hives thus reducing loss of honey bees. Add to your hive count and honey yield by capturing stray swarms from other hives in the area.


This is a strong pheromone lure to attract a swarm of honey bees.

The swarm lure combines over five natural chemical components plus natural substances found within the hive.


Try our swarm attractant yourself and see just how effective they really are.

The pheromone attractant comes sealed in a 1 ML. vial


These lures have been used by many beekeepers who have successfully caught swarms of honey bees and these are the swarm lures we use ourselves.

1) The lures will not encourage swarms to be issued from beehives.

2) Swarm lures will not "collect" worker bees and create a colony. 

3) Lures will not guarantee a swarm will be captured.

4) Lures just give you an advantage that the swarm will consider your trap.

5) The swarm lures are designed (Information will be e-mailed ) to last all season. Unused lures can be stored (* NOT in the freezer)  for 36 month without losing their effectiveness. Store in garage or home.

6) These swarm lures are made with substances that the bees produce and use themselves. And they are all natural. They work. 

7)  Have question? Please contact us prior to buying so we will both be happy with the final transaction.


+ Works great caught 2 swarms very quickly !

+ Works great and plan on purchasing again! 

+ Works great!!!

+ Works great. Thanks !

+ Great product lured bees out of piece of farm equipment worked well A+ good deal!

+ Smells AMAZING. Thank you! 

Instructions for use:
a) Honey Bees swarm trap must be minimum 10 gallons size. Best swarm box are regular hive ( any Langstroth 10 frame or 8 frame size) with lower box empty of frames and minimum one top box filled with frames, with lower and top entrances. Make sure no water or moisture leaks inside swarm trap during rain or sprinklers run. (Too wet inside trap, will be rejected by honeybees swarm)
b) Take one vial and carefully open. Smear outside front entrance of swarm trap.
c) Take second vial, open and smear inside entrance.
d) Close trap & install in shaded area (overheated trap, will be rejected by honeybees swarm)
e) Make sure the front entrance of swarm trap are open and clear from branches – bushes or grass= bees prefer open and clear space near trap entrance.
For more info about honeybees swarms and traps, please read: