Founded in 1850, one of America's oldest literary magazines, and is still in publication! Interesting and intelligent articles, and vintage advertisements of the day -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! * ISSUE DATE: OCTOBER 1979; VOL 259, NO 1553 IN THIS ISSUE:- [Detailed contents description written EXCLUSIVELY for this listing by MORE MAGAZINES! Use 'Control F' to search this page.] * This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 COVER: Fooling with the budget. How Congress causes inflation, by Tom Bethell. Cover illustration by Charlie White III/Kiyoshi Kanal. FEATURES: HOWARD MORLAND: THE MELTDOWN THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN. Nobody living near Three Mile Island was evacuated until two days after the reactor leak was discovered. Even then, few in control could say which way was upwind, though everyone's safety depended on it. JUDE WANNISKI: OIL IN ABUNDANCE. If the Carter Administration prevails, the United States will spend $140 billion to process coal into oil and gas. But vast amounts of petroleum remain in the ground, and the money would be better spent in search of it. STAN HAGER: IN THE LOGGING WOODS. Timber felling can never be made as safe as big-city police work or high-rise construction. Lumberjacks are proud of the risks they take. TOM BETHELL: FOOLING WITH THE BUDGET. Because inflation pushes Americans into higher tax brackets each year, the Congress can enlarge its purse without voting to do so. Here is a primer to the national debt--and its inevitability. ALLAN B. JACOBS: THE CIVIL-SERVICE GIANTS. A story of baseball and bureaucracy. ROY A. MEDVEDEV: KHRUSHCHEV IN RETIREMENT. Homegrown tomatoes from the dictator's garden. MATTHEW STEVENSON: THE SURVIVORS CLUB. Only old war-horses need apply. NADINE GORDIMER: RAGS AND BONES. A short story. ARTS AND LETTERS: POETRY: David Budbill: RAYMOND AND ANN Geof Hewitt: MOONLIGHT; SOME OF MY DEAREST FRIENDS. BOOKS: Peter Shaw: DEGENERATE CRITICISM A vanguard of academic critics makes a metaphysic of what the conventional scholars have been demonstrating all along: that one man's is as meaningless as another's. Frances Taliaferro: IN PRINT: Two marriages. DEPARTMENTS: LETTERS. MacNelly. Lewis H. Lapham: THE EASY CHAIR: The romance of failure. Tom Wolfe: IN OUR TIME. David Suter: OTHER THINGS BEING EQUAL. Louis T. Grant: THE FOURTH ESTATE The good life in Woman's Day. Jamie Wolf: AMERICAN MISCELLANY: Endlessly coming Attractions. E. R. Galli and Richard Maltby, Jr.: PUZZLE: Self-explanatory. * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Standard sized, 8oe" X 11" magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo) The pages are clean and bright.
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