Plot: Three decades after the Empire's defeat, a new threat arises in the militant First Order. Defected stormtrooper Finn and the scavenger Rey are caught up in the Resistance's search for the missing Luke Skywalker. The set comes with a code that unlocks over 20 minutes of bonus high-definition digital content, including a never-before-seen interview with the film’s breakout stars, Daisy Ridley and John Boyega. You’ll also get a behind-the-scenes look at how the actors trained for their incredible stunts and fight scenes, interactions between the new and veteran cast members, a closer look at how the props team designed and produced some of the film’s new weapons, and lots more. Your Target-exclusive package will provide instructions to redeem the bonus content on Disney Movies Anywhere, the combo pack also comes in an exclusive collectible package, a paperboard digipack that folds out to show detailed character art. 100219-100219P-DVD2
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