About the ring: size 5, .825 silver multi crystal gemstone ring BEAUTIFUL!!


 Albina has consecrated this STUNNING ring with a spell that she worked on for many decades. She has named this spell "3 powers of Mastery". Albina's explains that this spell's power helps one in three specific areas of life that promote Mastery in those areas. First, this spell provides one with energies to stimulate order in one's life by drawing positive energies that offer an end to chaotic growth and an increase in organization of tasks, time and accomplishments. Secondly, this spell helps one to move easily through change, recognize negative patterns and accept what patterns of behavior need to be abandonded because they " do not help one to move forward". The third, and the most important aspect of this spell, promotes achieving GREAT mental focus, intelligence an awakening of the mind as well as wealth and success. Albina also says that this aspect of the spell is incredibly crucial because " without focus and intelligence no one can apply any of the power that one has been given". Albina says that once one experiences that influences of this spell's great power in these 3 areas of their life, one's transformation as a more organized, flexible, and focused individual will improve one's life dramatically!

Albina adds that she has consecrated jewelry with this very spell for herself and others and she has seen her life as well as others completely "improve" once the Magick takes effect. As a result, Albina says one will notice "such marvelous changes in the methods, patterns, perceptions, and attitude that one has towards everything in one's life. She then says that one will " soon see how these changes create the happiness, satisfaction, achievement and power that one has always felt they had could achieve if only....." My Greatest Thanks and Blessings to Albina for all of her time and talents!