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ISSUE DATE: December 1, 1975; Vol. 106, No. 22

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COVER: U. S. Shopping Surge. Trendy Bloomingdale's.

More Bonnie Parkers (The Nation / AMERICAN NOTES).
President Ford Averts Another Shake-Up (The Nation / THE ADMINISTRATION).
Plots Written in Disappearing Ink (The Nation / THECIA).
The Crusade to Topple King (The Nation / THE FBI).
'We Are Going to Win-But How?' (The Nation / THE PRESIDENCY/HUGH SIDEY).
Taking Jimmy Seriously (The Nation / DEMOCRATS).
Buddy, Beware (The Nation / REPUBLICANS).
Whipping Up a Stew of Taxes (The Nation / NEW YORK).
Ehrlichman and Situation Ethics (The Nation / INTERVIEW).
There's No Gilded Cage for Betty (The Nation / THE FIRST LADY).
Keep Smiling (The Nation).
Giving at the Office (The Nation).
Unequal Welfare (The Nation).
Can an Elephant Forget? (The Nation).
ESSAY: South America: Notes on a New Continent (Time Essay).

Ford's Duty Trip to Peking (The World / CHINA).
The Start of the Post-Franco Era (The World / SPAIN).
'Anarchy, Yes, But Not So Much' (The World / PORTUGAL).
A Little Help From Some Friends (The World / ANGOLA).
The Happy Hand-Over (The World / MIDDLE EAST).
The Golan Heights: Perilous Frontier (The World).
Scottish Rumblings (The World / BRITAIN).
The QE 2 Connection (The World).
Birth Pangs of a Polyglot State (The World / SURINAM).
The Prisoners of Conscience (The World / SOVIET UNION).

HEALTH & MEDICINE: The $40,000 Arm (Medicine). Malaria on the March (Medicine). Review for Doctors (Medicine).
SOCIETY: Love and Politics (The Sexes). Womenswar (The Sexes). No Pregnant Pause (The Sexes). Polysaturation Point (Modern Living). And Now, Master Mind (Modern Living).
PRESS: Terror of the Tube (The Press). Lucky Star (The Press).
RELIGION: Strategy on Abortion. Superchurch. Homecoming.
Leadin Toward A Green Christmas (Economy & Business / RETAILING/COVER STORY).
Opening the China Trade (Economy & Business).
Pushing Ahead (Economy & Business / OUTLOOK).
Seeds at the Summit (Economy & Business / POLICY).

Unholy Russia (The Theater). "GORKY"
Good Ship Lollipop (The Theater). "A MUSICAL JUBILEE"
Cheap Spills (Cinema). "THE NIGHT CALLER"
Walton's Ghetto (Cinema). "LIES MY FATHER TOLD ME"
Aborted Flight (Cinema). "ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST".
To Catch a Thief (Show Business). "POLICE 5"
Taking Chances (Show Business). Shirley Knight.
Of Sin and Grace (Books).
Feeling Jung (Books).
Burnt-Out Cases (Books).
Best Sellers (Books).
Energy as Delight (Art).
* NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Standard sized magazine, Approx 8oe" X 11". COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
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